Tammy Taylor, Ph.D.
As the associate laboratory director for Global Security at Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Tammy Taylor is responsible for delivering on the nonproliferation and global security components of national security programs and assuring delivery of all nonproliferation program commitments across the laboratory. This includes developing programs to minimize global inventory of nuclear materials for the Department of Energy (DOE) and spearheading new research and development activities with the Department of Defense and civilian governmental agencies.
Taylor previously served as director of the International Data Center for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization, where she led an international technical organization at the United Nations Vienna International Centre. The organization was responsible for detecting and verifying nuclear explosions, which was accomplished by developing and implementing complex operations, treaty compliance, budgets, strategy, and capacity-building. Taylor spent her early career working in other DOE national laboratories, including as a deputy associate director at Los Alamos National Laboratory and as chief operating officer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Taylor is a recognized subject-matter expert in global security and has authored more than 70 publications, technical reports, and presentations. Additionally, she is a member and former board of directors’ appointee of the National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurements, a long-time member of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management and the Health Physics Society.
Taylor has a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering from New Mexico State University, and a Master of Science and a Doctor of Philosophy in environmental engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.