Staff & Contacts
Staff & Contacts
ALTEMIS is a multi-laboratory, multi-entity collaborative project led by Carol Eddy-Dilek (SRNL) and Haruko Wainwright (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

Carol Eddy-Dilek, Laboratory Fellow
Over the last two decades, Eddy-Dilek managed more than 50 national technical assistance team evaluations of high-priority issues related to environmental restoration in concert with researchers across SRNL to focus on timely project delivery and cost savings for the Department of Energy Environmental Management. Additionally, she and her teams developed new initiatives within the federal complex, including the Department of Defense, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy Legacy Management, International Programs and Department of Energy Environmental Management field sites, including Portsmouth, Paducah, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge and Richland.

Haruko Wainwright, Ph.D., Mitsui Career Development Professor
Wainwright received her Bachelor of Science, engineering physics from Kyoto University, Japan in 2003; her Master of Science in nuclear engineering in 2006, Master of Arts in statistics in 2010 and a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering in 2010 from University of California, Berkeley. Before joining MIT, she was a staff scientist in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Area at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and an adjunct professor in Nuclear Engineering at University of California, Berkeley. Her research focuses on environmental modeling and monitoring technologies, with a particular emphasis on nuclear waste and nuclear-related contamination. She has been developing Bayesian methods for multi-type multiscale data integration and model-data integration.
For questions, please contact and your comment will be forwarded to the appropriate subject matter expert at one of the following collaborative partnerships:
Savannah River National Laboratory
- Carol Eddy-Dilek
- Hansell Gonzalez-Raymat
- Tom Danielson
- Holly VerMeulen
- Emily Fabricatore
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Zexuan Xu
- Brian Quiter
- Baptiste Dafflon
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Timothy Johnson
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Haruko Wainwright
Florida International University, Applied Research Laboratory
- Himanshu Upadhyay
- Pieter Hazenberg
- Ravi Gudavalli
Oregon State University, College of Engineering
- Kathy Higley
Panoramic Environmental Consulting
- Miles Denham
Longenecker & Associates
- David Wilson
- Shelly Wilson
Geosyntec, Inc.
- Jennifer Nyman
- Keaton Belli
Subsurface Insights
- Roelof Versteeg