Savannah River National Laboratory, University of Florida Make First Joint Appointment

May 16, 2023

Aiken, S.C. – Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) and University of Florida jointly appointed Kyle Hartig, Ph.D., to engage in advancing SNRL’s core competency in sensing, characterizing, assessing and deterring nuclear proliferation.

The joint appointment is the first of its kind between University of Florida and SRNL.

Hartig is an assistant professor of nuclear engineering in the University of Florida Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and is a member of the Florida Institute for National Security at the University of Florida. His areas of specialization include remote sensing, nuclear nonproliferation and counterproliferation, nuclear security, and nuclear policy. He is also the associate director of the University of Florida led Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration Nuclear Forensics Consortium, where he is responsible for coordinating involvement with Department of Energy national laboratories, including student internships, post graduate career opportunities and collaboration on consortium research projects.

“Professor Hartig is an expert in optical and laser spectroscopy for proliferation detection,” said Deputy Lab Director, Science and Technology, Sue Clark, Ph.D. “This agreement will afford him access to unique facilities, capabilities and expertise at SRNL to conduct collaborative research in support of our core competency. Additionally, through his association with the Consortium on Nuclear Forensics, we will work together to develop our future workforce while delivering on our commitments to the Department of Energy.”

“SRNL has long been a leader in the critical area of nuclear fuel cycle and forensics research,” said Hartig. “I’m excited to have the opportunity to work with them more closely as a joint appointee on fundamental research to support national capabilities while building a pipeline between the NNSA Consortium for Nuclear Forensics and SRNL for the next generation of nuclear forensics experts.”

SRNL’s Joint Appointment Program provides university faculty opportunities to engage in research and development addressing the nation’s challenges in environmental stewardship, national security, and energy transformation. Together, SRNL staff and joint appointees help ensure America’s security and prosperity through transformative science and technology solutions. Joint appointees serve as a bridge between their university and SRNL researchers to deliver the future workforce for the Department of Energy. There are 11 university faculty participating in SRNL’s joint appointment program.

Savannah River National Laboratory is a United States Department of Energy multi-program research and development center that’s managed and operated by Battelle Savannah River Alliance, LLC (BSRA). SRNL puts science to work to protect the nation by providing practical, cost-effective solutions to the nation’s environmental, nuclear security, nuclear materials management, and energy manufacturing challenges (

Kyle Hartig headshot

Savannah River National Laboratory and University of Florida Joint Appointee Kyle Hartig, Ph.D.

Media contact: SRNL Media Relations