SRNL Overview
We Put Science to Work
- The Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) is one of 17 United States Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories.
- SRNL, a multi-program national laboratory with an annual operating budget of ~$400M, is a leading research and development institution for the Offices of Environmental Management and Legacy Management at DOE and the Weapons and Nonproliferation programs for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).
- Battelle Savannah River Alliance, LLC (BSRA), a not-for-profit limited liability company, manages and operates SRNL for the DOE. BSRA board leadership includes Battelle Memorial Institute, Clemson University, University of South Carolina, South Carolina State University, University of Georgia, and Georgia Institute of Technology. Battelle Memorial Institute and the five universities are joined in partnership with preferred subcontractors TechSource and Longenecker & Associates with the singular purpose of maintaining SRNL as a best-in-class national laboratory.
- Scientists and engineers at SRNL use leading edge science and technology to advance the DOE’s critical mission outcomes.

SRNL’s Three Mission Areas and Six Core Competencies Provide Solutions for Department of Energy and Other Strategic Partners

SRNL’s Vision
To be the nation’s premiere national laboratory in applied science and engineering, delivering solutions to environmental, energy and security challenges.
SRNL’s Mission
SRNL puts science to work to protect our environment, serve our national defense, secure our clean energy future and reduce emerging nuclear threats.
SRNL’s Core Values
- Integrity
- Innovation
- Teamwork
- Service

Quick Facts About SRNL
- Laboratory Director, Dr. Johney Green Jr..
- More than 1400 people contribute to the mission of SRNL including employees (>50 postdoctoral researchers), joint appointments and contract staff.
- Located primarily in Aiken, South Carolina, with an additional presence in Augusta, Georgia, in the beautiful and thriving Central Savannah River Area.
- Situated on a 39-acre main campus, valued at $2B, in Aiken, South Carolina.
- Home to ~830,000 square feet of facilities, including more than 200,000 square feet of radiologically controlled laboratories and process spaces, and access to an additional ~60,000 square feet of leased facilities.
- Leads the Network of National Laboratories for Environmental Management and Stewardship.
- Provides applied science and engineering innovation for the 16 active cleanup sites of the DOE Office of Environmental Management and the 100 post-closure management sites of the DOE Office of Legacy Management.
- Plays a vital role in America’s national security supporting the NNSA’s mission to maintain a safe, secure, and reliable nuclear deterrent and reduce nuclear threats.
- Conducts Transformational Science and Energy Security research that focuses on separations science and fusion cycle development.
- Unmatched safety culture and performance.